Parts Information

Function Key Explanations

View a list of existing parts


View a pop-up list for Replaced By parts.

This takes you to the orders screen.


Shipping Information

Type in notes about this order

Delete a part from the order

Print the order

Receipt available

Send a part to back-order

View the information from the price book.  This field can not be modified.

View your parts history by Year, Category, or Qty History

Lookup by Part Number

Lookup by year

Lookup by category

View Quantity History

View non-critical fields for editing.


Enter miscellaneous information about the part.

Allows you to view photos or documents in Photo Manager related to this part number

Lookup categories for that particular part.

Edit category

Accept changes

Previous Screen

Next Screen


Previous  Record

Allows you to lookup parts information at a remote location

Next Record

Exit Screen

Clear field

View list of alternate Part Numbers

Print Bar code Label

The Parts Information program is the primary place where you will go to maintain and display the accumulated information about your Parts Inventory. Every sale, return, adjustment, order receipt, etc. will be recorded for each part and stored for easy retrieval and evaluation.


Enter New Parts

Create Memo Lines

Printing Bar Code Labels

Lookup Part Information at a Remote Location

Make Price Changes



Enter New Parts


  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>File Update>>Parts Information.

  2. Enter the Manufacturer's Part number .

  3. Enter the Manufacturer (Mfr) and Supplier (Sup) code.  This is a predefined code identifying the manufacturer/supplier of the part.

  4. Press ENTER.

  5. It will tell you that you have entered a part that is not on file, and then ask you if you wish to add the new part to your inventory. image133.gif 

  6. You can select Regular Part or Quick Code  or Kit according to the characteristic of the part number you typed in.

  7.  Kit information: To successfully create a kit, enter a value for your kit part number as desired and press enter. Select kit an OK. After the kit number is created, press F10 to add parts to the kit that are to be sole as an association.

    1. Rules for kits

      1. On hand quantity for the kit part number will be presented as to total kits that you can fill based on the inventory of the associated parts.

      2. A part in a kit cannot be a kit

      3. A part in a kit can be a quick code that points to another part.     

      4. A quick code can point to a kit

      5. Pick lists can contain kit

      6. When you invoice the kit part number, the kit part will be in bold and the parts included in the kit will be in gray.

      7. The kit part number will be the only thing that prints on the invoice. All items will print on the packing slip and the picking ticket.

      8. When parts in the kit need to be ordered, it will automatically add to the INPROC order if you are using that option.

      9. Posting results of the kit part numbers will include retail being controlled by the kit part number and the cost coming from the individual parts that make up the kit.

  8. Complete this screen.  (Click on a field name for an overview.               


Part Number

Full Desc

Short Desc

Pricing Category

On Hand Qty

Full Bin Qty

Days of Supply

Per Job Qty  

Weight of Part

Inv/Sell in Decimals

Inv/Sell UOM

Ordering UOM

Order by

Bin Locations

Order in Decimals

Sales Pkg Qty

Units per Pkg

Min Pkg Order

Return Code

Part Status

Special Status

Product Class

New/Reman/Core Part Type

Bar Code

Bar Code





  1. Complete this screen.  (Click on a field name for an overview. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.)



Keep Sale History

Date Part Entered

Date Last Sale

Date Last Counted

Qty Last Counted

Best Reorder Point   


Best Stocking Level


Months in inv to auto order

Part Ordered Locally


Last Ordered





Last Receipted




Range of Seasons

Days Lead Time

Beginning Month

Ending Month

Days Lag Time


Marketing Code

Product Line

Promo ID

Mfr ID


Use DirectShip Cost





  1. Complete this screen.  (Click on a field name for an overview. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.)

  2. image136.gif







Avg Cost

Parts Fees:







APR Code

Seasonal Code

Required Qty


MARKUP Method %



Warranty Method

CF10 Custom Methods



Starting Date

Ending Date

Pricing Method




Always Taxed (A,N)

Do Not Discount

Cost Freeze (I.D,B)

Price Freeze (I,D,B)



  1. Press ENTER to save this record.

  2. You may enter another part number or press F9 to exit to the main menu.




Create Memo Lines


Change Memo Line

Delete Memo Line

Search for Memo Line



There may be certain messages that you would like to display about an individual part each time that part is accessed. You can enter any type of message for parts that may be necessary.  The search function is available for memo lines..

Function Key Explanations

Delete memo line

Insert line


Accept and save changes



Create a Memo Line

    1. Select Parts Inventory Menu >> File Update >> Parts Information.

    2. Type in a part number or press F2 for a pop-up list.

    3. Press ENTER.

    4. Press F5 (you will see this option in the upper right-hand corner of this screen).

    5. Type the message you would like to appear as the memo line for this part and press ENTER when complete.  Press ESC to exit the screen without saving the information. If you press F5 again you can copy these notes.  You can paste the notes using CTRL-V in other areas of the software or in a document. You can print a part memo on an invoice by adding a "~" tilde at the beginning of a memo.


Change an Existing Memo Line

    1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>File Update>>Parts Information.

    2. Type in a part number or press F2 for a pop-up list.

    3. Press ENTER.

    4. Press F5 (you will see this option in the upper right-hand corner of this screen).

    5. Change the current message as desired.  Press F4 to insert a line if necessary.


Delete an Existing Memo Line

    1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>File Update>>Parts Information.

    2. Type in a part number or press F2 for a pop-up list.

    3. Press ENTER.

    4. Press F5 (you will see this option in the upper right-hand corner of this screen).

    5. Press F3 to delete current message.



Search for a Specific Memo Line

1.  Select Parts Inventory Menu>>File Update>>Parts Information

2.  Press F5 Search by Desc/bin

3.  Type the wording to find in the Memo Line field

4.  Press ENTER

5.  A list of parts and their memo line that includes the wording will appear.  

6.  Highlight the part line and press ENTER to access the specific part.


Printing Bar Code Labels from the Parts Master File

  1. Select Parts Inventory>>File Update>>Parts Information

  2. Type in the part number and press ENTER.

  3. Press Shift + F10

  4. The quantity will default to the part's on-hand quantity.  You may override, if desired.

  5. Choose the printer and then the label layout (press ENTER to accept the default).




Lookup Part Information at a Remote Location

  1. Select Parts Inventory>>File Update>>Parts Information

  2. Type in the part number and press ENTER.

  3. Press Shift + F7

  4. A window will appear giving the part information requested.

  5. Press Shift + F6 to view the part summary or Esc to close the window.