If the manufacturer does not provide this information, the association between new or reman parts and cores can be completed manually.
Definitions to become familiar with when working with cores are:
Facts to know:
On the first screen of parts information, new fields were added where you can see an identifier for the part as a new, reman, or core. Please note that the part does not need to be flagged as N for new unless it will have a core or reman association applied.
At the bottom of the screen you can see the New and Reman parts associated with this example core part.
When you press SF2 (Shift F2), you can view or F4 to add or modify the associations between new, reman, and core.
When selling a part number that has been associated with a core part number, both items will be added to the invoice for Reman parts only. In the Line Item Detail screen, you will see both the reman part and the core listed.
Once the part has been added to the invoice to sell, you will see the reman part you are selling listed. However, the price and amount will include both the reman part and the core price as one (indicated with a “C” in the Amount $ field. The core association will continue to show on the line item detail. The invoice will print with both the reman part and the core part information.
A new SF5 (Shift F5) function to view all Cores sold and returned during the past three months. If you have sold a new or reman part with a core association for the customer you are creating the invoice for, then a list of these will show in the pop-up window. Use the arrow keys to select the core the customer is returning for a credit. The core part will be added to your invoice with a negative quantity.
When printing the parts pad, you will see the primary cores that are associated a reman part.
A new report has been added giving you the ability to review your core sales and returns. The report can run for a particular date and be sorted by customer.
The clean primary core and value will be included along with the reman part associated with the core. Return dirty cores will be included as well.