Chart of Accounts

The BSS system comes with a pre-set Chart of Accounts.  It is proven as one that is reliable and very inclusive of the needed account categories for most equipment businesses.  This Chart of Accounts can be used "as is" or you can modify a few accounts or descriptions to your needs.  You could also re-structure completely or enter your own Chart of Accounts, however, we ask that you contact a BSS support technician before doing so.

In addition, at any time during the month, you may use this option to display the current balance of a General Ledger account.  For example, you may wish to display the current balance in your checking account after the Accounts Payable system has just printed checks.  Since all data entry programs are integrated with General Ledger, this information is current and may be displayed.




You can do this from either of these two locations:

Function Key Explanations

To view a list of existing General Ledger account numbers

To display a particular month's balance


To clear screen

To exit program

Select General Ledger Menu>>File-Update>>Chart of Accounts


Add a New General Ledger Account

View or Edit an Existing General Ledger Account

Delete an Existing General Ledger Account

Display an Account's Monthly Balance

Enter Opening Account Balances






Add a General Ledger Account


  1. Type a new account number.

  2. Complete this screen.  (Click on a field name for an overview. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.)


*G/L Acct. #



    1. Press ENTER.  If you would like to rename the General Ledger account or return to the first screen press F9.

    2. Press ENTER until the system processes your entries and blanks the screen, placing the cursor in the G/L Acct. # field.

    3. You can either add another account or press F9 to exit the program.



View/Edit an Existing General Ledger Account

  1. Enter the G/L Acct. # or press F2 for a list of existing numbers.

  2. The description will appear after choosing the account number and pressing ENTER.

  3. You can either view or modify the description at this time.  

  4. Press ENTER until the system processes your entries and blanks the screen, placing the cursor in the G/L Acct. # field.

  5. You can either view or change another account or press F9 to exit the program.



Delete an Existing General Ledger Account



The system only prevents you from deleting an account that has a balance.  The system does not stop you from deleting an account that has been posted to in the past (previous years).  In order to maintain the postings for that account, you must first move all information for that account to another using the option in the General Ledger module labeled Journal Entries.  


  1. Enter the G/L Acct. # or press F2 for a list of existing numbers.

  2. Press F3 once the account and any zero balances appear.

  3. Answer Y to confirm deleting the account.  

  4. Press ENTER.

  5. You can delete another General Ledger account, press Esc to clear the field or press F9 to exit the program.


Display a General Ledger Account Monthly Balance

  1. Enter the G/L Acct. # or press F2 for a list of existing numbers.

  2. Press F4 to display Monthly Balances

  3. Enter the month you want to view and press ENTER.

  4. After viewing the information and when ready to continue, press ENTER.

  5. You can display another General Ledger account, press Esc to clear the field or press F9 to exit the program.



Enter Opening Account Balances



If this is an existing company, we suggest you only enter balances from an already balanced set of accounts.

If this is a new company, you may not have previous balances on some accounts and some of the information will not apply to you. Enter only the balances that are applicable (i.e. cash or checking account).


  1. Verify that the opening balances are zero. This is to ensure that the amounts you enter will be accurate.

  2. Print the Chart of Accounts

  3. Verify that all balances are zero.

  4. Select General Ledger Menu>>Processing >>Journal Entries.

  5. 100 Level accounts normally are a debit, 200 level accounts normally a credit, 300 level accounts normally a credit, 400 level accounts normally a debit, 500-54499 normally a credit, 55000-59999 normally a debit and 600 level accounts normally a debit.

  6. Complete this screen. (Click on a field name for an overview. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.)

  7. :Press ENTER to save this information.

  8. Repeat 2-4 until all details are entered.  

  9. Verify all the information is correct. Your total debits and TOTAL CREDITS should balance at the bottom of the screen with a zero amount in the DIFFERENCE fields.  If you receive a message that you are out of balance, please contact a BSS support technician.

      • Press F8 to print the transactions you entered.

      • Press F10 to post to the General Ledger.  

  10. If it is not correct you can:

    1. Once you have posted to the General Ledger, you may enter another journal entry or press F9 to exit the program. An edit list will print listing all the entries made to the General Ledger.



*Div g/l  #












Customer No.






Stock Number













If your information is correct from your "old system" then the debits and credits soul balance.



If you are beginning your new system two or three months into the fiscal year, enter the opening balance first, then add each month's net transactions in the appropriate fields in the center of the screen.  This will allow you to print a financial statement for each month.  (For special instructions to access the monthly fields, see your system administrator or contact a BSS support technician.)



Enter Prior Year Transaction Values & Budget Information


The second screen is the Account History screen.

Complete this screen. (Click on a field name for an overview. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.):



*G/L Acct. #





















































Enter and edit these figures as required.

Press ENTER.

Verify the information you entered is accurate. If it is correct, press ENTER again to return to the current year screen.  Otherwise, press Esc/F9 to make necessary corrections.

You may continue entering opening balances for other General Ledger accounts or press F9 twice to exit the program.