Order/Parts Return Modify



Create a New Order Record

Edit/Display an Order Record

Delete a Line Item on an Order

Receipt an Order Record

Back-order an Order Record

Kill an Order





This program allows you to modify an existing parts order or create a new order. (Click on a field name for an overview.)




You can begin by typing in a manufacturer, or using the down arrow lookup. If you are creating a new order type that number in the order # field or lookup existing orders

using the down arrow to select and order. Order can also be accessed by utilizing More Fields (F6)


More Fields F6

Mfr/Sup Notes SF4

ALL Orders F10

History View SF5

Sort by Mfr/Sup, Order #, Part# SF7

FKeys SF1

Finalized CF5

Interfaces CF8

Exit F9



Create a New Order Record

  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>Processing>> Order/Parts Return Modify

  2. Press F5 to lookup by order number.

  3. Press F2.

  4. Select Next Available and press ENTER.

  5. Press ENTER to create a new order record.

  6. Complete the screen.  (Click on a field name for an overview. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.)




Order Number





Highlight a part number and press enter





Order Number



Part Number

Part Desc

Pkgs Ordered

Ext Cost

Units Per Pkg

On Hand Qty

UOM Sell


Order Date


Bin Loc



Min Pkg Order

Pkgs On hand

UOM Order

Return Code

Invoice #  

Last Called


Customer Name

Cost Each

Marketing Code

Promo ID

Invoice SP

Last Called SP



  1. Press ENTER to save this order record, or press Esc to exit the order record without saving.

  2. Press F2 for order notes, there are 10 lines that can be associated with an order.


Click here for all function keys available on this screen.



Edit/Display an Order Record

  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>Processing>> Order/Parts Return Modify

  2. Press F5 to lookup by order number.

  3. Press F2 for a list of existing order records.

  4. Select the order record and press ENTER.

  5. You may view or make changes to the order detail record.

  6. Press ENTER to save all changes and exit this order record or press Esc to exit the order record without saving any changes.


Click here for all function keys available on this screen.


The list of existing order records are displayed.  On the order records are the part number, the quantity ordered, the manufacturer/supplier, the order number, the order type, the return code, the short part description, the order status, and the extended cost.


Changing an order

  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>Processing>> Order/Parts Return Modify

  2. Press F5 to lookup by order number.

  3. Press F2 for a list of existing order records.

  4. Select the order record and press ENTER.

  5. Once the order detail entry screen displays all the parts, you may change the order number by pressing SF5.

  6. You can type in a new order number, new type, and or new status. If you are in a multiple store situation you can change a detail line to and from a transfer order.  Press ENTER to save all changes and exit this order record or press Esc to exit the order record without saving any changes.


The list of existing order records are displayed.  On the order records are the part number, the quantity ordered, the manufacturer/supplier, the order number, the order type, the return code, the short part description, the order status, and the extended cost.


Delete a Line Item on an Order

  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>Processing>>Order/Parts Return Modify

  2. Press F5 to lookup by order number.

  3. Press F2 for a list of existing order records.

  4. Select the order record and press ENTER.

  5. Highlight the transaction line you would like to delete.

  6. Press F3.

  7. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete the line.

  8. Choose Yes to delete the line, or (N)o to return without deleting the line.

  9. Press ESC to return to the order entry screen.


Click here for all function keys available on this screen.



When a part is entered and is on another order the part number field will be highlighted in red.






Receipt an Order Record

  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>Processing>> Order/Parts Return Modify

  2. Press F5 to lookup by order number.

  3. Press F2 for a list of existing order records.

  4. Select the order record and press ENTER.

  5. Highlight the transaction line you would like to receipt.

  6. Pressing the insert key will mark or un mark lines for receipting as well.

  7. Press F7.

  8. You will be asked for the quantity to receipt.

  9. Enter the quantity to receipt (watch for the correct decimal places).

  10. Press Enter.

  11. This will receipt the specified quantity and leave the rest on the order.

  12. Press ESC to return to the order entry screen.

  13. A list including the total dollar value receipted will print.  It is suggested that you give to the bookkeeper for comparison to the invoice received in accounting.  



If a core is listed associated with a part - the dollar value is added to the total value on this report.




Click here for all function keys available on this screen.


Finalize an Order

  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>Processing>> Order/Parts Return Modify

  2. Enter in the manufacturer.

  3. In the order # field, press F2 for a list of existing order records.

  4. Select the order record and press ENTER.

  5. You may view or make changes to the order detail record.

  6. Press ENTER to save all changes

  7. Press or click cF5 to Finalize an order. The options vary by manufacturer and depends if an ordering interface is available.

  8. If Kubota options available are: S- Submit to Kubota; F- Finalize do not submit; C- Cancel

  9. IF CNH options available are P- Pre-edit order; S- Submit to CCN: F- Finalize do not submit; C- Cancel

  10. Other manufacturers are Finalize and Finalize enter manufacturer #.

  11. The purpose of finalizing and order is to let others know it has been placed. You can add items to a finalized order, though you will get a warning.


Click here for all function keys available on this screen.


Backorder an Order Record

  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>Processing>> Order/Parts Return Modify

  2. Press F5 to lookup by order number.

  3. Press F2 for a list of existing order records.

  4. Select the order record and press ENTER.

  5. Highlight the transaction line you would like to back-order.

  6. Pressing the insert key will mark or un mark lines for back ordering as well.

  7. Press F8.

  8. You will be asked for the quantity to place on back-order.

  9. Enter the quantity to back-order (watch for the correct decimal places).

  10. Press ENTER.

  11. This will place the specified quantity on back-order status and leave the rest on the order.

  12. Press ESC to return to the order entry screen.


Click here for all function keys available on this screen.



Kill an Order

  1. Select Parts Inventory Menu>>Processing>>Order/Parts Return Modify

  2. Press F5 to lookup by order number.

  3. Press F2 for a list of existing order records.

  4. Select the order record and press ENTER.

  5. Press F3 to kill the order.

  6. You will be asked if you are sure you want to kill the order.

  7. Choose Yes to kill the order, or (N)o to return without killing the order.

  8. Press ESC to return to the order entry screen.


Click here for all function keys available on this screen.



A utility to reverse an order accidently processed is available. Please contact the support team for assistance. .






Function Keys available on 1st order entry screen

Function Key Explanations

To view a list of existing data

To lookup by Order Number

To lookup by Manufacturer/ Supplier

To lookup by Order Number

To lookup by Part Number

To lookup by Invoice Number

To lookup by Customer Number

To view all orders



Mfr/Sup Notes


To view order history

To change the current Sort By criteria

To update Part Information

 To finalize order

To view CCN Web Options

To exit program




Function Keys available on 2nd order detail screen

Function Key Explanations

To edit order notes

To delete a line item or kill  an order

To print  a detailed report, with or without sales history , a

manufacturer purchase order, or bar code labels

To receipt the order

To back-order the order

To view the invoice detail

To edit shipping information

To view duplicate parts

To change line item(s) to another order number

To display part summary

To lookup part information at a remote location

To update Part Information

If a field(s) are highlighted on the screen this function key will give you explanations for why the field(s) are highlighted

EDN Interface

To finalize order

To view CCN Web Options

To mark the line

To delete

To view line detail

To go to the first line

To go to the last line

To edit/ add line detail

 To skip up  a few lines

To skip down a few lines

To exit program