Master Customer Information


Add New Account

Inquiry/Change Existing Account

Delete Existing Account

View a Customer's Account Balance

View Customer Owned Equipment through Accounts Receivable

Search Customers' Notes

Ship To Records for a Customer


Note:  Full auditing has been implemented for all changes.


Select Customer Receivables Menu>>File Update>>Master Customer Information



Add New Account

  1. Type the new account number.

Press ENTER after typing your new account number (if less than 6 digits) or choose either Customer or Company to add this new account number. The defaults

for credit status and credit limit set in admin>>update system information>>customer manager/receivables are used.

  1. Complete the fields on this screen.  (Click on a field name for an overview. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.) 



Customer No.




Address 1

Address 2







First     M      Last


Company Acct?



SF6 Category

Suffix Gender  


Map CF10








Open Item / Bal Fwd

Default  Payment Method

Credit Status  Credit Limit $


urrent Debits


Previous Month

30 Day Balance



(* *Setup Note**)








Customer No.                   Name                  

Spouse                                                             Birthdate                        

Children                                                           Age

Employees                                                       Anniversary




Division Number              Credit Plan Number    Taxable Code                Sub-ledger

Force PO Entry                Shipping Method       Tax Codes       

Finance Charge                Warranty GL No.       Tax-Exempt Number

Statement Code                Damage Waiver

Print Invoices                     Parts Pricing Method  Date Signed

Marketing Emails?             Parts Discount %         Date Expires

cF10 Overrides

Date Acct Opened                                              YTD-SALES$

Finance Charge %           Last Charged                      Counter

   Parts /Service               Last Payment                      Service

      Equipment               Avg Days to Pay                  Equipment

            Rentals               Cash Recvd -Month $          Rentals


Payment Terms              Highest Balance $               TOTAL










Customer No                   Name

Alpha Sort Code   

          Mail Codes

Business Type    

Competitive Owner   


Sales Category

Sales Status

Sales Territory

Next Contact Date

Last Contact Date

Default PO Number


Comment 1-4

Chemical License Expires


5.  If the information is correct, press ENTER again to save and advance to the next screen.  (Exit) does not save your entries but will exit you from that customer's screen.)


 If there are customer account contacts you will be notified by a red field above the contacts field that says *CONTACTS* in red.


If notes are added to a customer record they cannot be edited after 24 hours.




Inquiry/Change Existing Account

  1. Enter the customer account number and press ENTER or use the Down Arrow and Popup for a list of existing account numbers.

  2. Press Edit to make any changes necessary to the fields that are not protected.

  3. When ready, press ENTER or Page Down to the second and third screen.

  4. Review buttons  that allow you to add additional information such as:  Miscellaneous Fields, Ship To, Notes, Contacts, Customer Equipment, Accounts Receivable History, Sales Activity, O/I Invoices.

  5. Edit any fields applicable and press ENTER.

  6. You can edit another customer's information or press Exit  to exit this screen.



If information that is unaccessible needs to be changed, contact your System Administrator for review.



Delete Existing Account

  1. Enter the customer account number and press ENTER or press Down Arrow  and Popup for a list of existing account numbers.

  2. Press F3 to Delete.

  3. Verify this is the account to be deleted and answer (Y)es or (N)o.

  4. Either select another customer account to delete or press Exit to exit the program.



A customer account cannot be deleted if the customer has an outstanding balance.





View a Customer's Account Balance

  1. Select Customer Receivable Menu>>File Update>>Master Customer Information

  2. Enter the Customer No. and press ENTER.

  3. The bottom section of the screen is the account balance information. The bottom line displays the totals for the individual departments' balances. And the last field displays the total balance for this customer account.

  4. Press Pending charges/ROA SF2 to view any received payments or pending charges  that have not posted to the customer's balance.



View Customer Owned Equipment through Accounts Receivable

  1. Select Customer Receivable>>File Update>>Master Customer Information

  2. Enter the Customer No. and press ENTER.

  3. Press Cust Equipment to display customer owned equipment. All digits of the serial numbers are displayed.

  4. Highlight the equipment item and press ENTER to advance to the equipment record.


Search Customers' Notes

You can do this from either of these two locations:

Customer Receivable>>File Update>>Master Customer Information

Equipment Dealer System Menu>>Over-the-Counter Invoicing


  1. Take one of the above options.

  1. Press View/Edit Customer Notes while in the blank customer account number field.

  2. Press Search to search customer notes.

  3. Type the text you would like to search in the available field(s) and press ENTER.



Ship To Records for a Customer  


Initial Setup

Assign a Ship To Record to an Invoice

Look Up Invoices by the Ship To Information

Look Up the Status of a Customer's Order by the Ship To Information

Print Information on Invoices



The system is designed to allow up to 99 Ship To records per customer.

  • Determine whether or not the Tax Codes are assigned based on Ship To or the Customer record.

  • Determine whether or not the Ship To records are valid customers that purchase or they are SHIP TO only and should never be allowed to purchase.


Initial Setup

  1. Select Equipment Dealer System Menu>>Setup/Admin>>Update System Information>>Invoicing

  2. In the field labeled USE TAX CODES FROM SHIP TO ACCOUNT? answer (Y)es.

  3. Select Customer Receivables>>File Update>>Master Customer Information

  4. Enter the Customer No.  If this customer does not exist, please add the customer at this time.

  5. Set the Credit Status field to S.

  6. On the second screen, set the Tax Codes that should be used when the Ship To record is used.

  7. Press Ship To to access the Ship To Customer Record.

  8. Add each of the Ship To records you want available at the time of invoicing.


  1. Select Equipment Dealer System Menu>>Setup/Admin>>Update System Information>>Invoicing

  2. In the field labeled USE TAX CODES FROM SHIP TO ACCOUNT? answer (N)o.

  3. Select Customer Receivables>>File Update>>Master Customer Information

  4. Enter the Customer No.  If this customer does not exist, please add the customer at this time.

  5. Press Ship To to access the Ship To Customer Record.

  6. Press ENTER to edit the address.

  7. Press ENTER again to accept the changes.

  8. Press Exit to Save and Exit the screen and return to the customer's information screen.

  9. Press Exit to clear the screen.

  10. Press F9 to return to the main menu or enter another customer number.


Assign a Ship To record to an invoice


      1. Select an invoicing program to use.

      2. Enter the Customer No.

      3. Select the Invoice Number you would like to assign a Ship To record to and press ENTER or create a new invoice from here.

      4. Select B-Bill To/Ship To Addresses from the Detail Transaction screen.

      5. If Ship To records exist, the list of Ship To records will appear for the selection. If they do not appear, press Ship To for a list of Ship To Addresses.

      6. Press ENTER on the Ship To record of your choice or press Exit to exit this selection screen.


      1. Select an invoicing program

      2. Enter the Customer No.

      3. Select the Invoice Number you would like to assign a Ship To record to and press ENTER or create a new invoice from here.

      4. Select B-Bill To/Ship To Addresses from the Detail Transaction screen.

      5. Enter the Customer No. in the Acct field, press Down Arrow and Popup for a list of existing customer numbers, or just complete the Name and Address section.

      6. Press ENTER.

      7. Continue completing your invoice.


Look-up invoices by the Ship To information

      1. Select Over the Counter Invoicing OR Service Shop Menu>>Processing>>Work Order

      2. Press Down arrow and Look up Invoices by Ship to Cust while in the Customer No. field.

      3. Enter the Customer No. or name, address, etc.

      4. Select Y for -Counter, -Work Order, or Rental Invoices.

      5. Press ENTER to search non-archived invoices or press Down arrow and select Archived to search archived invoices.


Look-up the status of a customer's order by the Ship To information



In order for this option to work the Ship To must have a valid Accounts Receivable customer number.


There are different ways to go about doing this:


Over the Counter Invoicing

      1. Select Over the Counter Invoicing

      2. Press Orders, More Fields  after entering the salesperson's ID.

      3. Enter the Ship To account's Customer #. or press Down arrow Popup for a list of existing customer numbers check those with S column having an "S".

      4. Press ENTER.

      5. Your order information will appear on the screen.


Accounts Receivable

      1. Select Customer Receivable Menu>>Reports>>Counter Ticket Status

      2. Enter your report preferences (if different from defaults).

      3. Enter the Customer #  or range of customers (you can press Down Arrow for a list of existing customer numbers) for whom you would like to look up order information.

      4. Press ENTER.

      5. Your report will print according to the information you entered.


Service Shop Management

      1. Select Service Shop Menu>>Reports>>Work Order Status

      2. Enter your report preferences (if different from defaults).

      3. Enter the Customer #  or range of customers (you can press Down Arrow for a list of existing customer numbers) for whom you would like to look up order information.

      4. Press ENTER.

      5. Your report will print according to the information you entered.



Both reports above can be run using the Ship To Customer vs. the Bill To Customer.



Printing on Invoices