The customer purchase report can be used to identify your top customers. This report uses the counter, work order, rental and equipment invoice files to determine the top customer sales regardless of the type of payment received.
Sort the report in ascending/descending order or by the type of purchase.
Select Customer Manager Menu>>Reports>>Customer Purchase Report.
You will be given a list of top customers to choose to be included on this report. Use the SPACE bar to select the company(s) and press ENTER to continue.
Display the TOP/BOTTOM customers who
purchased MORE/LESS than ____ dollars worth
Sort customers in DESCENDING order
Complete this screen. (Click on a field name for an overview. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.)
Press ENTER once all fields have been completed.
The system will print the report according to the criteria you entered
CNH Dealers: This report also creates a .csv (comma delimited) file stored in the folder \wb\tpar-001\cnh_totpurch.csv. This file can be accessed in excel and sent.