Select Accounts Payable Menu>>Processing>>Bank Reconciliation.
You must enter your password to gain access to the bank reconciliation program.
When you enter the program for the first time, you want to setup the accounts necessary for reconciliation. Click on the setup accounts button.
The following screen will appear. Click on the accounts you wish to reconcile a check will appear and then click OK.
Then the reconcile screen will be displayed to you, this is the default view.:
At the top of the screen options are:
Date Range
Sort Sequence:
You can also click within the headers such as post date. This will sort the data from oldest>>newest transactions, If you click on the post date a second time it will then sort newest to oldest. The data defaults the transaction sequence by the post date.
If you wish to sort by reference, click on the reference header and the data will sort in reference number sequence. First time you click it is in ascending order, if you click again it is in descending order.
If you wish to sort by description, click the description header and the data will sort in description sequence. First time you click it is in ascending order, if you click again it is in descending order.
If you wish to sort by debits, click the debits header and the data will sort in debit sequence. First time you click it is in ascending order, if you click again it is in descending order.
If you wish to sort by the reconcile status, click the "R" header and the data will sort in the reconcile sequence. First time you click it is in ascending order, if you click again it is in descending order.
If you wish to sort by credits, click the credits header and the data will sort in debit sequence. First time you click it is in ascending order, if you click again it is in descending order.
The balance header does NOT offer a sort sequence.
2. Reconcile:
In the Online/Stmt Balance field, type in the amount listed on your bank statement. The goal is to clear all transactions so that the difference is zero. The reconcile button will not be available to you until the difference is zero.
You can click on individual lines or utilizing the shift key highlight multiple lines. Right clicking your mouse will then give you the option to mark as cleared, mark as reconciled, or remove cleared/reconciled status. Once the balance is zero you can click on the reconcile button. If there are transactions on your statement, not on your reconcile screen, then you need to go to the appropriate area of the software and make these additions.
Additionally there is a button that says import transactions. You can import your bank statement from your bank utilizing the Quicken Interchange Format. Please notify Basic for assistance if you wish to do utilize this functionality.
Credit and debit totals for the current view are displayed
3. Print Transactions:
There is a print transaction button on the lower right hand side. This will print the current view, its layout, sort order, and transactions based on the view and date range selected.
4. Import Transactions
You can import your bank's bank statement in the following formats:
QIF Quicken Interchange Format
QFX Quicken Exchange Format
OFX Open Financial Exchange
QBO Quickbooks online
CSV Comma Separated Values